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Monday, August 8, 2011

How to Time Management for Online Businessman

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Time management skills are very important for online businesses. One campaign can take a significant amount of time to get launched and sometimes there is a sense of urgency, so you should be able to use your time efficiently. Become an affiliate yourself and have a ton of friends affiliation, I have seen no specific productivity tips apply only to affiliates. Here are 21 tips on online business how to time management that you can use to effectively manage your time and will make more money.

1. Get your affiliate manager men

The affiliate manager that is a beautiful woman to lure you in and a large network to network, but it is the affiliate manager of men who get a real job done. Real talk. If you are female, women get an affiliate manager.

2. Call your affiliate manager

Talking to your affiliate manager on the phone is the fastest way to get info and to get a job. Do not email him if you need something done in a timely manner. Call her. Also, do at least once a week to build a better relationship with him. Which brings the next point.

3. Treat you with a good affiliate manager

AMs can do a lot of good things for you. They can get exclusive deals, insider info and faster access. Treat her like you would treat your best friend and down the line he will save much time, but also make you a lot of money. Send a gift when you are fine campaign, and especially to send gifts on her birthday.

4. Get on the highway of cash flows

Cash flow is very important for this work. Do not wait too long for it to go, especially if it stops your growth. Get a credit card to fund a campaign and get a weekly payment (ask your affiliate manager). A good weekly payments (every day if you really kill it) because you can grow your campaign when you have 30 days to pay off your credit card debt.

5. The main plan of your field of work

Know what to do and when to do it. This will prevent you from procrastinating, because we often do when we do not know what to do. This will also prevent you from feeling overwhelmed. Plan ahead, apply and then start your campaign.

6. Get your to-do list

We humans are bad at remembering things and use our brains as a temporary storage medium. Having to do list will help you with planning and you'll know what to do at all times. Do not rely on your memory, depending on your to do list. For Mac users, Omnifocus used. Remember the Milk, Teux Deux and Toodledo also good, a web-based.

7. Keep track of your time spent working on campaigns

Everyone knows what the ROI (if not, be ashamed!), But most affiliates do not take into account how much time they spend on campaigns. To get a true ROI on your campaign, track how much time you actually work on your campaign. Then calculate ROI based on money spent and your time. That will give ROI the right and you'll know how much you are worth per hour. This will help you on the next point.

8. Outsourcing heavy duty

Before you can outsource things, you have to know how long your time is worth per hour. Focus what you do best, outsource the rest (if it is economically sensible). You can employ people in Asia for as cheap as $ 5/hour to do all the things you do not want to do for the campaign and is not used by either of your time.

9. Your campaign 80/20

The 80/20 rule states that 80% of your results usually come from 20% of your efforts. In other words, usually a few that bring you most of your results. Applying the idea for your campaign. Discover the promotion of 20% which gives you 80% of your cash, and scales like there's no tomorrow.

10. Work on the biggest campaign every day

Once you know you what is the biggest campaign (whether it's making money or not), grow every day. Everything else is a waste of time relative.

11. Organize your campaigns and data

On your hard drive, have a separate folder for all your campaigns. You should be able to access files and data very quickly. This will stop you wasting time on looking for the file.

12. Manage your email before you manage

Email can be a huge productivity killer. Check it 2-4 times a day and at fixed time. Turn off email notification when you are working. Also, if you're afraid of losing important email about your campaign, said the affiliate manager or traffic sources to call you if things are bad.

13. Exercise

Because you sit all day behind a computer screen, you hardly get any exercise. One of the secrets of Richard Branson to time management is to exercise, because it gives you more energy and better focus. Do at least 3 times a week and you'll see that you have more energy to do more work.

14. Enough sleep

Your physical energy is the key to productivity. Think about it. You can not get a job when you are tired and sleep is a great foundation for your physical energy. After sleeping the night, usually around 8 hours, you are more energetic to get something. This goes hand-in-hand with exercise.

15. Leave home

If you are in a bad mood, no work will be done. Since most of the work you do is settle and in the room, it can get depressed at times. Especially if you do not get enough sunlight. AT LEAST leave the house twice a week to get fresh air and to change your mood. By leaving your work space for long period of time, you will also get the feeling you want to work anymore.

16. Stay in touch with a fellow Businessman Friends Online

They can act as accountability partners and help you overcome procrastination. Especially when you see someone you affiliated banks; it can act as fuel for you to make kills as well.

17. Build productive habits

After a routine in your life will make your work flow is very smooth and you'll feel like you're more in control. Some of the habits you want to build is to know when you call your affiliate manager, when to check email and voicemail, know when to check your stats and a set time where you have to work hard on your campaign.

18. Identifying and working at peak times

As an affiliate you have the freedom to work whenever you want. Use this to your advantage. Everyone has a certain time of day when they are most energetic and most get the job done. Identifying their peak times and hard work during that time. For most affiliates it somewhere in the morning and / or late at night.

19. Learn to say no

There are always new deals come out or new ways to make more money, but there are huge opportunity costs involved every time you switch. Do not try new things all the time. Constantly switching is inefficient. Be willing to say no and keep working on what you have done.

20. Learn the keyboard shortcuts of all your programs and operating systems are often used

Over time you will save a lot of time and this will also streamline your workflow.

21. Working in the cycle

If you are someone who would easily distracted, working on 25 / 5 cycles. Work 25 minutes, then rest 5 minutes. For every 4 cycles (2 hours), rest 30 minutes. It is also known as the Pomodoro Technique. If you can have the focus anymore, do 50/10. It's important to rest. Get some food and then back at it.
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