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Saturday, August 13, 2011


/ On : 12:26 PM/ Thank you for visiting my small blog here. If you wanted to discuss or have the question around this article, please contact me e-mail at irw4npr0m@gmail.com.
How To Enjoy The 2011 Perseid Meteor Shower It’s time for the Perseid Meteor Shower and you want to bag some meteors (shooting stars), but how? Maybe you just want to know where and what time to look, or perhaps you are having a Perseid party and you want everyone to have a great time for perseids meteor shower 2011, perseidas, perseid meteor shower 2011, perseidas 2011, lagrimas de san lorenzo

Perseid Meteor Shower: How Space Junk Becomes Natural Fireworks, If wishes made on shooting stars come true, this could be your lucky weekend. Early Saturday morning marks the peak of the annual Perseid meteor shower.

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Few things give even a casual star gazer as much heart-jumping excitement as spotting a meteor. Meteors, sometimes called shooting or falling stars, are actually not stars at all. A meteor is created when a tiny piece of space junk (for example, a bit of dust or rock) enters the earth's atmosphere. As this small piece of debris flies high through the air, it encounters friction that makes it so hot it will burn up. As a result, a meteor appears as a quick, bright streak across the sky, and will then disappear. The brighter and longer the streak, the bigger the rock or dust particle that burned up.


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